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News and Events

Saints, Souls and a Sugar Buzz
This week sees a lot of Christian Festivals. On 31st October there is All Hallows Eve. The 1st November sees All Saints Day and then the...

What is yoga?
As many of you know we have a yoga program at Redeemer. Why? This post gives you a basic answer. The word “yog” literally means “yoke” or...

Going deep and loving more
As some of you know this past weekend we had our Diocesan Convention. As it is the 100th Birthday of the Diocese of Western North...

Grief and Alleluias.
"And weeping o’er the grave, we make our song, Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!" These words from an ancient prayer are a part of the...

Remembering our loved ones
I am writing to invite you to attend our All Souls Day Service at 5pm on November 6th 2022. Everyone is welcome. We will remember those...

The words Revival and Episcopal are not always used in the same sentence. On 13th November they will be! This year marks 100 years of the...

It's a hard life (not really)
Each year the clergy of the Diocese meet at least once for a Conference. We have a speaker and the time is intended to enhance and...

Requiem for a Queen
Today has been a historic day. The passing of Queen Elizabeth III marks the end of an era. Seventy years on the throne made her the...

Human Sexuality and the Anglican Communion
Whenever I write a blog on this website the space where the title goes says, "Add a catchy title" - sorry it is not catchy and clever...

Another walk on the wild side
Some of you may have heard that there is a big meeting of Bishops going on in London called the Lambeth Conference. There is a bit of a...
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