Today is the Feast of the Annunciation. We remember that Mary was visited by the angel and asked this most wonderful of questions -to which she answered - be it unto me, according to your will.
There are two options - a poem is below and there is also a video version with some pictures and time for reflection.
No more than a girl
A yes
A choice.
Her life set out was what it should be
All it could be
Good man, roof, food,
Children underfoot as she sang
And stretched out weary limbs.
The life they all knew,
Careful, respectable, predictable, tidy.
Not answered plea of childless wife
Nor prayer of seeking words.
Not desperate,
I have nothing
But generous
I give everything.
Longing, yes, longing.
Deep in silent recesses
Deep in preparation
Until this yes.
Says yes
Because she has to
Says yes
Because she doesn’t
Says yes
To the whole word and to a quiet room.
Says yes to who knows what
Blind faith
Says yes because
Rehearsed and anxious
She waited for the call.
Our should
Holds tight the phoenix wings of longing
Echoes a flood of speech
To keep this single word at bay
Long for it
Fear it
Box it
Process it
Deny it.
And wait and wait and wonder
Where the question went
Where it went?
Yes, yes.
(apologies for the typo - long story as to why it is not corrected!)