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Updated: Jan 7, 2022

From the beginning of January we will have a new schedule for services and activities. Sunday morning will remain the same with the service at 9:30am and Formation at 11:00am.

The Shepherd's Table program will continue to operate on a Wednesday.

The midweek Eucharist will move to a Tuesday at 12:30pm. This will continue until the end of February to see if there are enough people who are interested in attending to make it viable.

Yoga on Monday and Wednesday will move to 10:30am.

We will begin a program at 5pm on a Sunday. Two weeks of the month there will be a meditation group in Church. One week there will be a contemplative service. One month a week there will be a rotating program, often around music. All activities will be in Church. This is a program under development so we are eager for feedback and to hear what folk would like. This program will start on January 16th. Exact schedule to come.

There will be a Thursday evening short course starting on vocation and finding your path on your Christian journey. This is not about ordination but finding out what God is calling you to do where and how you are now.

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Updated: Jan 7, 2022

Most, if not all, of you are aware of the Omicron variant of the Covid19 virus and, no doubt, aware of its increased transmission rates. I do not want to be alarmist because, at this point, it is going to be difficult for any of us to avoid this variant completely. Having said this, I want to be as careful as possible.

From Sunday 2nd January the following will come into effect:

We will sit in alternate pews

Please maintain a 6ft distance between folk who are not in your household.

Masks remain mandatory at all times on Sundays, this is now extended to all meetings on Church property, no matter the size. Masks should be of medical grade, we have plenty of you do not have one. Please consider double masking or wearing an N95 if you have one. This is regardless of vaccination status.

Please use the markers on the floor when you come up for communion.

Whilst we are not going to demand proof of vaccination, I would ask everyone who is eligible to please ensure you have had all 3 shots. Please also get a flu shot if you can.

If you are sick with any Covid19 symptoms - even if you think it is just a cold or allergies - please take a test before you come to Church, or stay at home.

We will continue with Formation. Coffee Hour will continue this week but will be subject to review.

Let's work together to keep Redeemer as healthy as possible in these difficult times.


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Updated: Jan 7, 2022

Just a reminder that the Annual Meeting will be on 23rd January. Vestry nominations are due on 9th January.

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